The concept of this website is to incentivize sales reps for selling certain products during promotional periods. This client chose to have different themes throughout the year, the first one being a baseball themed promo.
Due to an NDA I’m not permitted to disclose which client I designed this for, therefore I used a filler logo and copy.
I focused on displaying everything with the appropriate hierarchy, mainly ensuring the “report a sale” function and the notifications are prominent. I also designed the dashboard to accommodate the ever-changing promotions, training, surveys, and polls added throughout the year.
The client provided a list of contacts they wanted to be invited to this program. From there, the user had to fill out some more details for the program, before they could login and land on the dashboard for the first time.
Baseball Promo
Several times a year the client has seasonal promos. I created a landing page using the baseball theme, as well as a leaderboard and a “hall of fame” page.
I worked with a front end developer to create an animated “instant win” game that lets the user “swing” for a pitch and if they hit the ball they win a prize.

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